ארכיון Future Leadership - https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project_type/future-leadership/ Mon, 28 Jun 2021 10:42:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-favArtboard-1-150x150.png ארכיון Future Leadership - https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project_type/future-leadership/ 32 32 Scholarships for Jerusalem Music Schools https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/scholarships-for-jerusalem-music-schools/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:19:17 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=20170 Need: Music helps young people to develop their sense of self-worth; it is a universal language that builds bridges transcending cultural boundaries; its beauty can inspire people of all ages. However, many are unable to pursue their passion for music and develop their unique talents due to financial constraints. The Jerusalem Foundation provides opportunities for […]

הפוסט Scholarships for Jerusalem Music Schools הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Need: Music helps young people to develop their sense of self-worth; it is a universal language that builds bridges transcending cultural boundaries; its beauty can inspire people of all ages. However, many are unable to pursue their passion for music and develop their unique talents due to financial constraints. The Jerusalem Foundation provides opportunities for high quality music instruction to aspiring young musicians from some of Jerusalem’s most vulnerable populations.




  • The JAMD Conservatory is at part of a trio of institutions that form theJerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD). Together with theacademy and its high school, it offers a complete educational program allthe way through the graduate level. A leading establishment of its kind inIsrael, the conservatory provides professional training in music and danceof the highest standards for youths ages 1-19. In addition to a full range ofsolo instrumental and vocal instruction, it offers training in chamber music, orchestral playing, choral singing, as well as in composition,conducting and music theory.
  • The Ron Shulamith Music Conservatory was established in 1910, the first institution of its kind serving members of the Jewish community in the land of Israel and its Jerusalem branch opened in 1972, serving gifted children as well as children with special needs, including boys and girls from the secular, religious and ultra-Orthodox populations. The conservatory boasts a women’s string orchestra, 12 youth ensembles and five choirs, music teacher fellowships, graduate placement assistance, school programs and more.
  • The Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory is a preeminent Israeli conservatory using music as a bridge between Jerusalem’s different communities, including at-risk youth, children of immigrant families and children with special needs. Hassadna provides high-quality musical training to children and youth ages 3 to 18 from all sectors of Jerusalem’s diverse population, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or socio-economic background, with five primary departments: Piano, String, Wind and Voice. Students receive one-on-one instruction and participate in orchestras and chamber music ensembles performing in regular concerts. The conservatory also offers special programs, supported by the Jerusalem Foundation, for three distinct population groups: at-risk youth, children of Ethiopian descent, and children with special needs.

הפוסט Scholarships for Jerusalem Music Schools הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Jerusalem Scholarship Fund for Preparatory and Higher Education https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/jerusalem-scholarship-fund-for-preparatory-and-higher-education/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:16:37 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=20167 To ensure a vibrant future for Jerusalem and all of its residents, the Jerusalem Foundation seeks to support young adults willing to complete their studies in the city, while encouraging them to stay on. By investing in the next generation, the foundation shapes Jerusalem’s leaders of tomorrow and safeguards the future of the city. The […]

הפוסט Jerusalem Scholarship Fund for Preparatory and Higher Education הופיע לראשונה ב-.

To ensure a vibrant future for Jerusalem and all of its residents, the Jerusalem Foundation seeks to support young adults willing to complete their studies in the city, while encouraging them to stay on. By investing in the next generation, the foundation shapes Jerusalem’s leaders of tomorrow and safeguards the future of the city. The Jerusalem Scholarship Fund pools together most major funding sources for higher education in Jerusalem, with the advantage of streamlining the application process. The project requires students to volunteer their time and talents in return for scholarships, connecting them to the city and creating a future leadership looking to 2030 and beyond.



There is a wide range of scholarships – from those targeting students of advanced arts institutes, to those studying engineering and other technical degrees, to those studying in one of Jerusalem’s academic colleges and universities. The program alleviates the financial burden faced by students while strengthening their ties to the community through volunteering. Volunteering options include: presenting plays and workshops for people with special needs, facilitating enrichment activities such as creative writing workshops for children in public schools, tutoring children and brightening disadvantaged Arab and Jewish neighborhoods alike.


The Jerusalem Foundation has been offering higher education scholarships for the past decade. In 2017 we distributed the largest amount of community involvement scholarships in the country, with 18,900 students receiving support.


Impact:  The scholarships strengthen the institutes of higher education, increasing the number of students who are able to study. They reinforce social and community organizations, which receive additional volunteers. They alleviate the financial burden faced by students while strengthening their ties to the community. This benefits the city as a whole, making it more vibrant and connected.


Partners: Jerusalem Municipality, Mifal HaPayis Lottery

הפוסט Jerusalem Scholarship Fund for Preparatory and Higher Education הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Kayma – The George Pinto Jerusalem Leadership Fellows Program https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/kayma-the-george-pinto-jerusalem-leadership-fellows-program/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:11:50 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=20162 The Jerusalem Foundation established Kayma, the George Pinto Jerusalem Leadership Fellows Program to promote young civil leadership with a long term commitment to the city, in line with its Future Leadership objective for 2030. Scholarships will be awarded to students in the final year of their PhD and will cover three years. The program provides […]

הפוסט Kayma – The George Pinto Jerusalem Leadership Fellows Program הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Jerusalem Foundation established Kayma, the George Pinto Jerusalem Leadership Fellows Program to promote young civil leadership with a long term commitment to the city, in line with its Future Leadership objective for 2030. Scholarships will be awarded to students in the final year of their PhD and will cover three years. The program provides a career “runway” for these young people to live, work, teach and conduct research in Jerusalem. In return, they are required to volunteer their time and talents and commit to remaining in the city for an additional three years, to carry out groundbreaking work in Jerusalem.



A steering committee composed of eminent community leaders will evaluate and award scholarships. The program is intended for those working towards a PhD focused on community service so to strengthen Jerusalem’s civil society. To increase the impact on the city, the fellows will become part of a network of young leaders meeting every month at the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research. These meetings will broaden their knowledge of the city and strengthen collaboration between the fellows, who will then be able to cooperate professionally, setting the highest standards for leadership in social activism and commitment to Jerusalem.



Impact: This program provides opportunities for future leaders to stay in Jerusalem and use their talents to develop excellence in the city, making it a modern and vibrant home for generations to come.


Partners: Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research

הפוסט Kayma – The George Pinto Jerusalem Leadership Fellows Program הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Wadi Joz Youth Center https://jerusalemfoundation.org/old-project/wadi-joz-youth-center/ Wed, 12 May 2021 15:15:02 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=old-project&p=20060 The Wadi Joz Youth Center was opened in 2020, thanks to the generous support of the Hassenfeld Family Foundation.   The youth center is the first purpose-built youth club in Wadi Joz and is home to the only youth movement active in the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem. The 400 sq. m. building includes a […]

הפוסט Wadi Joz Youth Center הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Wadi Joz Youth Center was opened in 2020, thanks to the generous support of the Hassenfeld Family Foundation.


The youth center is the first purpose-built youth club in Wadi Joz and is home to the only youth movement active in the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem. The 400 sq. m. building includes a multipurpose hall, activity rooms, staff offices and an outdoor activity area. During after-school hours, the youth also use the area of the adjacent school.


The activities in the center include volunteering in the local community and activities which emphasize the responsibilities and rights of citizens and encourage becoming active, involved adults.


The Wadi Joz Youth Center is a central venue for sports, music, social, cultural and volunteering activity for residents of Wadi Joz, Sheikh Jarrah and other nearby neighborhoods in east Jerusalem.

הפוסט Wadi Joz Youth Center הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Youth Leaders in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/youth-leaders-in-disadvantaged-neighborhoods/ Wed, 15 Jul 2020 11:05:09 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=19221 The Jerusalem Foundation focuses on developing leadership in the city through investing in the next generation. We safeguard the future by promoting young civil leadership with a long term commitment to Jerusalem and giving diverse communities access to opportunities.   In partnership with the Israel Scouts youth movement in Jerusalem and the Tene Yerushalmi organization, […]

הפוסט Youth Leaders in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Jerusalem Foundation focuses on developing leadership in the city through investing in the next generation. We safeguard the future by promoting young civil leadership with a long term commitment to Jerusalem and giving diverse communities access to opportunities.


In partnership with the Israel Scouts youth movement in Jerusalem and the Tene Yerushalmi organization, the Jerusalem Foundation is establishing a program for youth leaders in disadvantaged neighborhoods which will inspire future leadership in Jerusalem.


The Jerusalem Young Leadership Program will focus on exceptional youth movement graduates, facilitating their familiarization and deep connection with Jerusalem, its residents and needs, forming a cohesive community of future leaders in the city and developing and applying practical leadership skills in activating youth in their neighborhoods.


The leadership program will be conducted jointly by the Jerusalem Foundation and the management of the Israel Scouts in Jerusalem in disadvantaged peripheral communities across the city, with professional leadership guidance provided by Tene Yerushalmi. The Israel Scouts will employ a core of young adult staff members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills as Israel Scouts youth instructors or branch managers. The Scouts will be responsible for staff training and supervision and accompany participants in conducting activities for children and youth in peripheral neighborhoods and peak events in those communities.



With a view toward enabling participants to remain living, working and learning in Jerusalem and to realize their potential at this critical juncture in their early adult life, and in exchange for a long-term commitment to living and leading social and community activity in Jerusalem after the program’s conclusion, the program will provide rent, living stipends and higher education scholarships.


Becoming involved in their communities, these young leaders will develop a long term commitment to their neighborhoods and Jerusalem as a whole, while also breaking the cycle of poverty in their areas. The program will also act as a model for other youth movements, which they can operate in the future to nurture their own leadership talent and harness their leadership potential for the needs of the city.


Impact: The project’s impact goes beyond the empowerment of the next generation, encouraging all members of the community to build a new reality on the ground for the struggling neighborhoods.

הפוסט Youth Leaders in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Secular Yeshiva https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/the-secular-yeshiva/ Wed, 15 Jul 2020 11:02:33 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=19217 Need: Jerusalem reflects the entire diversity of the Jewish People; it is both a launching pad for new dynamics and developments in the Jewish world and a laboratory for experimentation and innovation. What happens in Jerusalem affects Jews worldwide. We have witnessed an increasing tension between secular and ultra-Orthodox expressions of Judaism in the public […]

הפוסט The Secular Yeshiva הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Need: Jerusalem reflects the entire diversity of the Jewish People; it is both a launching pad for new dynamics and developments in the Jewish world and a laboratory for experimentation and innovation. What happens in Jerusalem affects Jews worldwide. We have witnessed an increasing tension between secular and ultra-Orthodox expressions of Judaism in the public sphere.


The Jerusalem Foundation seeks to shape a modern and vibrant city by creating opportunities for all Jerusalem residents, including opportunities for dialogue and shared living. In line with our vision for 2030, we support endeavors developing innovative, collaborative models of Jewish renewal and pluralism that will reinvigorate a sense of communal belonging among the city’s diverse population. Among those endeavors is the Jerusalem Secular Yeshiva, which transforms Jerusalem’s unique energy into a systemic set of ideas and activities that will impact Israel and the entire Jewish world.


Response: The Jerusalem Secular Yeshiva was established in 2011 with the aim of inspiring the city’s young people by offering them greater opportunities for multifaceted creative Jewish expression. The JSY curriculum involves texts, lectures, hevruta (paired) learning, tours, film, art and environmental projects. Core principles include: uncovering, investigating and examining the process of secularization – Jewish and general – as a subject and as a world view, via textual study from the Bible and modern Hebrew literature, and nurturing a deep connection to Jerusalem as the cultural and spiritual center of the Jewish people throughout the generations, through meetings with different personalities, organizations and communities in Jerusalem.

For some time, the Secular Yeshiva has operated on a temporary basis from a building in Ein Karem, which they shared together with the local community. The building is in need of renovation, to allow it to appropriately serve the needs of both the Secular Yeshiva and other community groups which use the shared space.



The Jerusalem Foundation seeks, in partnership with the Jerusalem Municipality, JSY and others, to establish in the building a multipurpose community center that will respond to the diverse needs of the creative community of Ein Karem and the institutions sharing the building. We believe that through creative and spiritual sharing, the community members, artists and educators will create a center where the spirit is greater than the sum of its parts, a center of Jewish culture and renewal that will manifest an innovative model of attractive activity, attractive to the lives of young people and community in Jerusalem.


The Jerusalem Foundation, in partnership with the Jerusalem Municipality, seeks to renovate the JSY building in order to transform it into a multipurpose, modular center that can be adapted to serve the wide variety of community needs in Ein Karem and manifest an attractive location for the community members, particularly young adults.


The Center will be housed in the building to be renovated and adapted by the Jerusalem Foundation in Ein Karem for this express purpose. The project partners – the local community center, the Community Minyan and the Jerusalem Secular Yeshiva – have reached agreement in principle regarding space allocation. The lower floor will be used by the Secular Yeshiva, the top floor alternately by the Ein Karem branch of the local Community Center and the Community Minyan (a weekends and holidays prayer group) and the courtyard will host shared activities. This allocation will form a new community model, responding to the diverse needs in a modular and sensitive manner.

הפוסט The Secular Yeshiva הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Education Center for Environment and Wildlife Conservation at the Tisch Family Zoological Gardens https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/education-center-for-environment-and-wildlife-conservation-at-the-tisch-family-zoological-gardens/ Sun, 03 May 2020 13:35:14 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=17730 The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens in Jerusalem – also known as the Biblical Zoo – has been a leader in wildlife conservation since 1993. As one of the few multicultural sites in Israel, it has become a bridge between local communities, with over 1 million visitors each year, including 100,000 students from all of Jerusalem’s […]

הפוסט Education Center for Environment and Wildlife Conservation at the Tisch Family Zoological Gardens הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens in Jerusalem – also known as the Biblical Zoo – has been a leader in wildlife conservation since 1993. As one of the few multicultural sites in Israel, it has become a bridge between local communities, with over 1 million visitors each year, including 100,000 students from all of Jerusalem’s diverse communities. To expand the Zoo’s educational program, the Jerusalem Foundation is supporting the creation of the Education Center for Environment and Wildlife Conservation, including a High School on the Zoo premises and additional short and long-term educational programs for children, youth and young adults. This initiative will create tomorrow’s leaders in the areas of nature conservation and the environment, by turning outstanding students from all backgrounds into role models for the Jerusalem of the future. It advances the Jerusalem Foundation vision for 2030, which focuses on future leadership as one of its three main priorities.



The Education Center’s High School will operate as part of the public school system, but its curriculum will also include zoology, biology, veterinary science, ecology, animal husbandry, sustainability, horticulture, and technical maintenance. Students will be required to work at the Zoo to gain practical experience, including exposure to in situ species breeding and reintroduction programs. The Center and High School will be open to young people from all over Israel who are interested in wildlife conservation, shaping a new generation of environmentally-aware Jerusalemites.


Impact: The Biblical Zoo and the Aquarium are the most popular tourist attraction in Jerusalem. The Education Center for Environment and Wildlife Conservation and High School will improve the educational experience of Israeli youth visiting the premises, boosting their understanding of wildlife conservation and environmental sustainability for Jerusalem, Israel and the world.


Partners: Jerusalem Municipality, Ministry of Education

הפוסט Education Center for Environment and Wildlife Conservation at the Tisch Family Zoological Gardens הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Canada Centre for Urban Sustainability https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/the-canada-centre-for-urban-sustainability/ Sun, 03 May 2020 13:31:41 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=17724 With the growing understanding that the precarious state of our environment cannot be ignored, the Jerusalem Foundation seeks to cultivate urban sustainability within the daily life of Jerusalem, to shape a modern and vibrant city with opportunities for all. To do so, an ambitious plan has been approved to build the new Canada Center for […]

הפוסט The Canada Centre for Urban Sustainability הופיע לראשונה ב-.

With the growing understanding that the precarious state of our environment cannot be ignored, the Jerusalem Foundation seeks to cultivate urban sustainability within the daily life of Jerusalem, to shape a modern and vibrant city with opportunities for all. To do so, an ambitious plan has been approved to build the new Canada Center for Urban Sustainability on the site of the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. Today more than 100 organizations and activists work in Jerusalem to promote social justice and environmental sustainability, but with little interaction and limited scope for impact. The new center will provide a co-working space for these sustainability leaders to exchange ideas, maximize synergies and launch joint ventures. This will create a future leadership with a long term commitment to the city, as envisioned by the Jerusalem Foundation plan looking to 2030 and beyond.


Developed in collaboration with farmers, artists, urban planners, agro-tech developers and educators, the centre will feature a space for urban innovation demonstrations, indoor and outdoor workspaces with sustainable farming terraces, an artist studio, a greenhouse, a volunteers centre and classrooms. The Canada Centre will be built from repurposed shipping containers and will utilize eco-friendly construction methods with an emphasis on reclaimed, natural and renewable materials. By promoting innovation, education and civic engagement, the centre will position Jerusalem as a leader of the green movement in Israel and the world.


The centre will host many activities: horticulture therapy for former prison inmates and Holocaust survivors, programs for people with autism and other special needs, workshops in recyclable materials and educational programs for children, youth and adults. The centre will serve people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds, reflecting Jerusalem’s diverse communities.


Impact: The centre will impact Israeli society and the economy of the future in terms of energy, waste, water, clean-tech, agriculture and food. It will boost the quality of life and promote urban renewal in Jerusalem and beyond, by uniting citizens to ensure the environmental health and wellbeing of their city, which is also their own.


Partners: Jerusalem Municipality, Jerusalem Botanical Gardens, Leichtag Foundation, Jewish National Fund Australia, dozens of Israeli NGOs

הפוסט The Canada Centre for Urban Sustainability הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research https://jerusalemfoundation.org/project/jerusalem-institute-for-policy-research/ Sun, 03 May 2020 13:28:26 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/?post_type=project&p=17720 Established more than 40 years ago by the Jerusalem Foundation and the Hebrew University, the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research (JIPR) has grown to become the leading institute in Israel for the study of Jerusalem. JIPR gathers data, researches, evaluates and educates policymakers and stakeholders on critical issues and trends facing Jerusalem. The institute’s research […]

הפוסט Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Established more than 40 years ago by the Jerusalem Foundation and the Hebrew University, the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research (JIPR) has grown to become the leading institute in Israel for the study of Jerusalem. JIPR gathers data, researches, evaluates and educates policymakers and stakeholders on critical issues and trends facing Jerusalem. The institute’s research covers every aspect of Jerusalem’s development: urban planning, social and demographic issues, economic and environmental challenges and the impact of geopolitical conflicts. As a leading institution with a long term commitment to the city, JIPR represents the Jerusalem Foundation’s dedication to future leadership as part of its vision for the next decade.


JIPR is known for its integrity and impartiality and is accepted by all parties. The research carried out clusters into three areas: urbanism and sustainability, economy and innovation and society and populations. The institute’s Annual Statistical Yearbook is a treasure trove of information tracking trends in Jerusalem and JIPR has become the go-to research institute for the Israeli government and philanthropic organizations alike, providing insightful data that shapes policies and investment for Jerusalem. Funding is needed to carry out and expand research and support the publication of many materials.


Impact: The institute’s work informs important decisions that shape the future of Jerusalem as a city and as a home to many different communities.


Website: www.jerusaleminstitute.org.il

הפוסט Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research הופיע לראשונה ב-.

Judean Hills Youth Recreation Center https://jerusalemfoundation.org/old-project/judean-hills-youth-recreation-center/ Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:37:30 +0000 https://jerusalemfoundation.org/old-project/judean-hills-youth-recreation-center/ The Judean Hills Youth Recreation Center was an orientation center for youth visiting from abroad and a recreation center for local youth begun in 1971. The center, which was located on 20 acres in the Jerusalem Forest just beyond Yad Vashem, originally included a main building, swimming pool and sport courts. In 1976, the Zionist […]

הפוסט Judean Hills Youth Recreation Center הופיע לראשונה ב-.

The Judean Hills Youth Recreation Center was an orientation center for youth visiting from abroad and a recreation center for local youth begun in 1971. The center, which was located on 20 acres in the Jerusalem Forest just beyond Yad Vashem, originally included a main building, swimming pool and sport courts. In 1976, the Zionist Organization of Canada Youth Center was added, including a dormitory and a multi-purpose hall for use by visiting Canadian teenagers. The Jerusalem Foundation supported these construction projects as well as programs for youth from border settlements, a program that brought youth groups to Israel from Denmark several times a year over many years, an Arabic language summer camp and a senior citizens summer camp. The center later became the Chaim Zippori Community Education Center, which specializes in developing and conducting training seminars for community service professionals. In 1988, the Adam Institute for Democracy & Peace, which carries on some of the center’s original mission, was also established on the grounds.

הפוסט Judean Hills Youth Recreation Center הופיע לראשונה ב-.
